Bunk Replies allow you to receive a handwritten response from your camper directly into your Bunk1 account. If your camp utilizes this service, you will have the option to purchase stationery prior to camp or add reply stationery when you send a Bunk Note. The stationery will be uniquely bar-coded and linked to your Bunk1 account. If you purchase in advance, you can print off as many copies as you like and pack it with your camper. Just make sure your camper knows to write on the bar-coded stationery and hand it in so that you receive it. If you add the stationery when you send a Bunk Note, a single piece of bar-coded stationery will be distributed to your child with your Bunk Note.
Once your camper writes and hands it in, camp staff will send the response to Bunk1. Our system reads the bar-code and sends it to your Bunk1 account.